He has been accused of obstructing justice by ordering underlings to destroy old emails at a time when he knew the bank was under investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission. 奎特隆被控妨碍司法公正,原因是当他获知美国证交会(SEC)正在对他管理的银行展开调查时,他命令下属销毁以往的电子邮件。
There's no question those terrible people should be charged with obstructing justice and perhaps aiding the crime of murder. 毫无疑问那些可恶的人应该受到应有的惩罚,被判决为妨碍司法公正甚至参与谋杀罪行。
Mr Kilpatrick pleaded guilty to obstructing justice in proceedings that stem from a whistleblower lawsuit and will spend four months in jail. 基尔派崔克对在举报人诉讼案件中妨碍司法公正的行为表示认罪。基尔派崔克将面临4个月监禁的处罚。
Media tycoon Conrad Black is convicted of fraud and obstructing justice, but cleared of racketeering. 媒体企业界的大亨康拉德黑色被判诈欺而且阻隔正义,但是诈取钱财清除的。
That affair led to his impeachment over charges of lying under oath and obstructing justice. 那件事导致他被指控“做伪证”和“妨碍司法公正”而遭到弹劾。
Likewise, criminal laws in other countries also regard crimes of evidence as serious crime of obstructing justice to crack down and establish specific legislative style. 国外刑法也毫无例外地把证据犯罪作为严重的妨害司法犯罪予以打击,并形成各具特色的立法模式。